Emi Bau GmbH
Gewerbestrasse 7
8500 Frauenfeld
Vertretungsberechtigte Person(en)
Sylejman Emini / Geschäftsführer
Vjollce Emini / Geschäftsführerin
Neubau weines Hauses: Bauarbeiter mauert den Rohbau | | @ industrieblick | | Adobe Stock |
Kernbohrung 6 | | @ Pixelwolf2 | | Adobe Stock |
Abbruch | | @ kiono | | Adobe Stock |
Professional worker using pan knife for building brick walls with cement and mortar | | @ Hoda Bogdan | | Adobe Stock |
Large construction site including several cranes, with lots of gold sunlight | | @ Smileus | | Adobe Stock |
Scaffolding on Condos Consturction Project | | @ dbvirago | | Adobe Stock |
construction worker engineer architect team at work on major construction site with computer tablet hardhat and safety vest | | @ sculpies | | Adobe Stock |
rebuilding an Old real estate apartment, prepared and ready for renovate | | @ AA+W | | Adobe Stock |
Renovation interior. 3D render | | @ Sergey Nivens | | Adobe Stock |